Office News

What Happens If I Don’t Treat My Child’s Tongue-Tie?
Office News |4 min read

What Happens If I Don’t Treat My Child’s Tongue-Tie?

When a child is born with tongue-tie, or Tethered Oral Tissue (TOT), the condition will sometimes resolve itself or it won’t. In the event that it doesn’t, tongue-tie treatment becomes essential to prevent problems that occur literally from head to toe. If a previous...

Symptoms of Tongue-Tie in Adults
Office News |4 min read

Symptoms of Tongue-Tie in Adults

Tongue-tie is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongue’s mobility. Although most children have their tongue-ties treated in adolescence, it’s not unheard of for adults to suffer from tongue-tie without ever having a treatment in their past. Although...

Warning Signs Of Tongue-Tie In Infants
Office News |3 min read

Warning Signs Of Tongue-Tie In Infants

Tongue-tie (tethered oral tissue) is a major concern of parents and for good reason. When an infant has tethered oral tissue, it can prevent them from getting the nutrition they need and suffer from developmental problems. Without treatment, these patients can suffer...

Why Do You Have Headaches and Jaw Pain?
Office News |2 min read

Why Do You Have Headaches and Jaw Pain?

If you often wake with a sore feeling in your jaw, it could be more serious than just sleeping funny. Experiencing facial pain, migraines, insomnia, vertigo, and popping or clicking in your jaw is not normal. Instead of readjusting, trying to sleep with your mouth...