TMJ & Facial Pain Treatments in Fort Atkinson, WI
Say goodbye to headaches, neck, and face pain with our modern therapy.
TMJ in Fort Atkinson, WI
As part of BKS Dental Group, we’ve launched Bite AlignOpen the website in the new window – a sector of our dental practice dedicated solely to treating patients suffering from TMJ and facial pain.
Dr. Stafford has suffered from TMJ pain herself so she knows how stressful and painful finding the right diagnosis and treatment can be. Dr. Stafford looks forward to helping her patients regain a pain-free life.
TMJ Symptoms
Guiding you in the fight against facial and neck pain.
Oftentimes, a misaligned jaw causes these symptoms. Dr. Stafford is our designated TMJ dentist who has dedicated her continuing education to obtaining specialized training for treating jaw joint, facial pain, and sleep disorders.
- Headaches or Migraines One of the top symptoms patients will complain about experiencing are frequent headaches and migraines. Oftentimes, they don’t even know that TMJ is the cause and instead spend their time trying endless medications or treatments that don’t work. TMJ causes headaches because the position of the lower jaw is off. By correcting this misalignment, patients can say goodbye to headaches for good.
- Pain Behind the Eyes When someone has TMJ dysfunction, it can cause them to overuse their chewing muscles. These muscles are attached to the jaw from behind the eye socket. As a result of hyperactivity of this muscle, patients can experience pain behind their eyes or a headache.
- Vertigo & Ear Pain Due to the temporomandibular joint’s close proximity to the ears, it’s common for ear symptoms to arise with TMJ, such as ear pain, congestion, and ringing. When there are issues in the inner ear, it can cause a postural imbalance which can lead to feeling dizzy or experiencing vertigo.
- Neckaches & Tingling in the Fingers When the chewing muscles experience hyperactivity, this also usually means there’s hyperactivity in the head and neck muscles. When head and neck muscles experience hyperactivity, they might constrict or put pressure on radial nerves, which leave the nervous system at the neck. This may cause patients to experience tingling sensations in their fingers.
- Clicking/Popping in the Jaw Joint When you open and close your mouth, if you hear any clicking or popping, this is the sound of the disc that rests between the two bones in your jaw slipping out. When it slips out, the jaw bone jumps to put the disc back in place, which can lead to popping or clicking noises.
- Clenching/Grinding the Teeth When the jaw is at a resting state, the teeth should rest slightly apart, only to touch when swallowing. If the upper and lower jaw experience disharmony in their position, it can lead to clenching and grinding, which can wear down teeth and lead to receding gums.
- Insomnia The area of the brain that controls TMJ and chewing muscles is also responsible for alertness and wakefulness. If there is hyperactivity in the chewing muscles and TMJ, it can cause patients to suffer insomnia.
- Sore Jaw Muscles & Facial Pain A misalignment of the TMJ will often force the body to compensate by holding chewing muscles in a position that is non-resting. This will then cause hyperactivity of chewing muscles which can cause facial pain, fatigue from chewing, facial swelling, inability to hold the mouth open for long periods or open all the way.
TMJ Diagnosis & Treatment
Get the best care from our specialists.
If you experience any of the symptoms of TMJ, it’s important to visit us for a proper diagnosis. During an hour-long consultation, we will evaluate the following areas:
- Past medical and dental history
- Pain history
- Past medical treatments
- Joint sounds
- Jaw movements
- Neck and head muscles exam
- An examination of your teeth and alignment
After we complete this evaluation, we will tell you what we think the diagnosis is. From there, we will discuss your treatment options and if we believe our clinic can help you best.
If you would like to move forward with treatment, we will recommend further tests for your diagnosis, including x-rays, photos, diagnostic computer tests, and models of the teeth.